I am a Choreographer and Dunham trained dancer (San Francisco State University) who started my own dance company (Malia Movement Company) in 1992. I am a poet and author who has shared original work in 6 publications and a Photographer who prefers film to digital. I am also a Mother.

Malia Movement Company started 28 years ago as a vehicle to heal Women through movement. As the years passed the dance company stayed true to its grassroots of social justice and activism. It later morphed into many forms but never ventured far from the community. We are currently working on a new ballet to commemorate our 30th year in 2022.
I compiled my first book of spoken word back in 2000 and continued to self publish over the next 2 decades with Just Add Water, Graffiti as seen thru the eyes of a child, Mixed Heritage, and Under the Influence. My work has also been featured in a college used textbook (Black Fathers - An Invisible Presence in America), 2 CDs by jazz group Mingus Amungus (Live in Cuba and Isms), and a compilation of Bay Area Pacific Islanders (Namjai).

I spent many years documenting Bay Area graffiti and decided to use these visuals in repurposed art (jewelry, greeting cards and collages) that I've shared at various pop-ups under the moniker Tuffgyal808. Please take a look at my online shop for new items to purchase every month.